
Welcome to the News Website of the Toowoomba and Darling Downs Family History Society.
We will be posting regular updates of Society News and other Local Family History items.
Check down the left hand side of the page for links to some great Society resources and past news items.

Monday, October 14, 2013

More of the Toowoomba Chronicle indexed

Now available for direct download are further indices for the Toowoomba Chronicle, covering the period 1926-1930.
To enable easier download the file has been split.

Further Details of entries from our society.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Toowoomba Chronicle - New Index

Did you have anyone who may have been born, died or married in the Toowoomba are or indeed further afield during the period 1921-1925?
An Index to many people mentioned in the Toowoomba Chronicle during the years 1921-1925 is now available to download.
File includes marriages (M), deaths (D), accidents (A) births (B) other (O)