
Welcome to the News Website of the Toowoomba and Darling Downs Family History Society.
We will be posting regular updates of Society News and other Local Family History items.
Check down the left hand side of the page for links to some great Society resources and past news items.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Black Gully now available as CD

Our Black Gully Publication is now also available in .pdf format as a CD .
Price is $15.00 which includes postage and handling.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Toowoomba Chronicle Index 1937

As promised we have added another year of Toowoomba Chronicle Indexes! Thanks to our wonderful team of indexers we always seem to have an expanding data base of super indexed records at TDDFHS.
You will notice that all sorts of records are mentioned.

Check the Toowoomba Chronicle Indexes to the right of this page for links to download.