
Welcome to the News Website of the Toowoomba and Darling Downs Family History Society.
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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Our Newest Plublication Our Bacjyard and Beyond Vol8


We have just published the latest in our popular series of biographies of people who are buried in our local cemeteries and further afield, Our Backyard and Beyond Volume8.
Cemeteries included in this Volume:

Drayton & Toowoomba Cemetery – South Street
Toowoomba Garden of Remembrance – Ruthven Street, south
Aubigny Cemetery
Cabarlah Cemetery
Cooyar Cemetery
Clifton Cemetery
Crows Nest Cemetery
Evergreen Cemetery
Jondaryan Cemetery
Millmerran Cemetery
Oakey Cemetery
Pittsworth Cemetery
Ravensbourne Cemetery
Yarraman Cemetery

There are not just dry facts in these interesting stories of people who are mentioned in this latest in our series of those buried in the Toowoomba Area and further afield. This well indexed and illustrated volume includes the varied experiences of pioneers of district.